Strata News Archives - Page 10 of 33 - Strata Data

Busting the Myth that Strata Is too Expensive

November 7th, 2022
Busting the Myth that Strata Is too Expensive

“My strata costs are ridiculous!” “What am I even paying for with my strata fees?” “I bet someone is getting rich from my strata fees!” If you own or rent in an apartment complex, then it wouldn’t be Australian if you haven’t uttered these sentiments at some point during your lease or ownership. We

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Your Simple Guide to Body Corporate Fees in Australia

September 29th, 2022
Body corporate fees guide cover

Are you an owner of a strata property in Australia? If you are, then you will be aware that there are fees associated with owning in a strata-titled building. These fees will be collected by the body corporate who use these fees to cover the cost of maintaining and repairing the common areas, as well as paying for

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What is Community Title?

August 10th, 2022
how does a body corporate work cover

If you have purchased property, you might have encountered the term ‘community title’ during the process. But what is a community title? What is a community titles scheme? And how does a community title differ from a strata title? The property industry is teeming with complex jargon that can often confuse th

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