Rooftop Gardens
Adelaide Zoo, Central Adelaide Image via HASSELL Much like the Smithsonian in DC, the Adelaide Zoo sits in a small grassy area within the middle of the city’s CBD. It affords city goers a certain amount of respite; people come to it during their time off to sit and watch animals, and it contributes a large green
Read MoreHow to Handle Parking Issues in a Strata Building
The population is continuously growing; there are more cars on the road and yet there seem to be less and less parking spaces to accommodate them. More problems arise when owners are dealing with older buildings that aren’t built to accommodate cars at all, especially when owners now generally have two or more ca
Read MoreHow to Complain About Noise to the Owner’s Corporation
Living as part of a strata building, you’re likely to run into some glitches with your neighbours from time to time. You may well have the loveliest group of people living in your building, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t be getting on your nerves from time to time! So when do you just let things slide,
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