News | Strata Data

Have an electric car & live in a high rise? Well, life just got easier!

June 3rd, 2015

When you live in a high rise apartment complex, owning an electric car can be more hassle than it's worth... until now. Finally a solution for charging your vehicle that will keep everyone happy! Read the full article here: 'Living in an apartment block? You can finally charge your electric car', Campbell Simpson,

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Increase or stay – the age old levy debate

June 3rd, 2015

No one likes it when their living costs increase but when it comes to maintaining a corporation, there are a number of well founded reasons why they should... and not so many for keeping them the same. Read the full article here; 'Beware the strata committees opposed to rising levies',?Jimmy Thomson, Flat Chat col

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Buyer Appeal Part 5: The Right Insurance Cover

June 3rd, 2015

Insurance is the Developer's responsibility for the first 6 months following a development?s completion ? so it?s imperative that the correct cover is taken out to not only protect the corporation and its new owners, but to avoid a $15,000 penalty for failing to take out cover. When it comes to Corporation Insur

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